Trail Marker #8
Stream Restoration
Project and Benefits for Big Elkin Creek
Along the creek bank, there has been extensive erosion and deterioration over the past decade. The Recreation and Parks Department, along with Elkin Public Works has made great attempts to keep the bank stabilized, and other local agencies have joined to protect the Bank Creek from further decline. Efforts have been made to focus on improving the water quality and stream ecology of the Big Elkin Creek.
The project focused on stream restoration, buffering the stream corridor, removing invasive species, stabilizing stormwater outfall, increasing parking areas, creating a designated fishing area, and stabilizing the stream banks. While these efforts prove a more aesthetically pleasing environment for the park, improving water quality also reduces operating and purification costs the town's water treatment plant.
These improvements have been made possible with a project grant in the amount of $371,000 from the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund and additional monies from the Town of Elkin. Did you know that this enhancement project helps protect downstream water supplies on the Yadkin River that serve over 275,000 customers?